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Do you need expert tips from the best plumbers in Brisbane? Check out the latest news on fixing blocked drains, leaky pipes, backflow, plus gas safety tips.

Queensland Energy Savers Rebate

Save up to $1000 on New Washing Machines, Dishwasher and HWS

Are you spending too much money on electricity? The Queensland Government’s Climate Smart Energy Savers rebate could be perfect for you. Queenslanders can save up to $1000 by replacing their old washing machines, dishwashers, and hot water systems with new 4 star-rated appliances. Not only will you save money on your power bill, but you can also reduce your

cloudy water from tap

Is Cloudy Water Safe to Drink?

The quality of our drinking water is critical for public health and well-being. While cloudy water is usually not a problem, drinking water can become contaminated by water borne bacteria, chemicals, or even soil from your garden. This article explains how Queensland’s drinking water system is kept to a safe standard and provides tips on how you can keep

water efficiency certificate qld cost

How to Stop Paying Your Tenant’s Excess Water Bills

Excess water use in investment properties can create large bills that eat into your rental income. Certified plumbers can save you money by issuing a water efficiency certificate so your tenant pays for their water consumption. Do tenants pay for water in Queensland? A landlord must pay for their tenant’s water bills in Queensland where: Benefits of Saving Water


Best Plumber Brisbane

DJS Plumbing and Gas Services specialise in clearing blocked drains, back flow testing, hot water systems, water heater installations, and gas heating.

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